Sunday, September 11, 2011

Grape Trellis Training Systems

If you are thinking about growing grapes to turn into wine something you need to learn about is the grape trellis. Without a well setup trellis you probably are facing certain failure. A trellis is needed to support your vines as they grow into mature plants and beyond. To fulfill this need, grape vines, like young children, need to be trained. In this case they are trained onto a trellis.

cordones shoes

Selecting a trellis is not a straightforward proposition. There are several things to be considered before picking the right one for you. Climate conditions, soil characteristics, vine charatacteristics and the vine variety all come together to determine the correct trellis type. Getting this right will get you on the road to having the best grapes which in turn will provide the best wine possible.


There are several grape trellis training systems all with different conditions in mind.

Guyot Training. Named after Dr. Jules Guyot. He was a 19th century French scientist. The Guyot trellis training system is particularly suited for low-yield vineyards growing in relatively infertile soils.

Vertical Shoot Positioned Trellis. Ofter referred to in the grape growing busines as VSP. It is a system designed to arrange shoots so that they will grow upwards across guide wire.

Cordon Training. If you go to Californian and Washington vineyards you may see this style. It is suited to the warmer growing regions. This training style sees an arm of the vine growing along the bottom guide wire, with shoots emerging from the arm and trained vertically along additional wires.

These are just some of the grape trellis training systems in use around the world. Others include the Geneva Double Curtain, Lyre or U Shaped Trellis and Umbrella Kniffin System.

To get more information about the various systems you can visit the Grape Growing for Wine Making website.

Grape Trellis Training Systems

If you are interested in grape growing or wine making be sure to visit Grape Growing for Wine Making and check out the Grape Trellis [] page. Also sign up for the 10 day grape growing and wine making mini course.


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